Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Using Webinars for Marketing with MeetingBurner

I've recently started using Webinars for marketing purposes.

I had a look around at all the tools and services available - and there are a lot of them. And I settled on MeetingBurner.com

MeetingBurner.com had the features I needed:

  • Simple to use
  • Free to use for small meetings (10 people)
  • Create recordings of sessions
  • Automated replay of sessions
  • Capture email addresses prior to sessions
  • Chat during the session
  • Affordable for larger meetings
I don't need a lot of features for marketing but I basically wanted to know who signed up and have the ability to market to them afterwards, and reschedule meetings automatically.

I did a bunch of test recordings prior to the meeting (you have to change your settings in your account to make sure that the recordings come through at a high resolution).

My plan was to:
  • sign people up,
  • host and record the meeting,
  • reschedule the meeting for automated replay
  • offer an upsell on my training to those who attended the webinar (that's why I needed their email address)
In the end I didn't reschedule the meeting automatically. I simply uploaded the recorded video to youtube. Why?

Because it would have taken me longer to reschedule the meeting across the multiple time zones that I have to support, and I probably still wouldn't have managed to create a good time for people to attend. So I save time by making it a pull on demand system.

I don't get their email address by doing this, so I can't upsell on the back of them watching the video. But I can nudge them towards signing up for my mailing list, because I plan to do more than one Webinar.

I think I will gain more 'reach' for my services and material by making the live recording free. Since it is the first in a series. I don't know if I will make every webinar free, or if I will keep them all out there free forever, but the first in the series is the basic one, it adds value by helping people get started, but doesn't cover everything that I can talk about.

It remains to be seen how well this will work. But I like the ease of use of MeetingBurner.com that helps me reach up to 1000 people in a single webinar, and do it affordably. The free account allows you to get started at no cost.

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