We received a lot of 'advice' on the course that did not gel with my experience.
One piece of advice was to hire someone to build your website.
While that advice will prove useful long term. It does not help you get started.
When you are starting and building your profile you should try and build content rather than gloss.
And to get started with content you can:
- buy a domain name
- sign up to a blogging tool
- associated the blogging tool with your domain
- create content
This way you build up your intellectual capital, and your profile, instantly.
You can 'gloss' it up later, if you need/want to.
On this particular course we were introduced to a web company that designs websites for small buisness to help them improve their profile. I had a look through their portfolio and lo and behold, many of the sites were simply Wordpress sites that had a custom theme and design.
Had those businesses been given the above advice, with point two replaced with 'sign up to Wordpress.com' then they could have started building their profile on a default theme. And later, hired a design team to 'skin' the website on a custom host and migrate the content.
I have one site that is entirely custom built, because I can program, and I started that site prior to the existence of blogging tools.
I also have:
- one site on a custom hosted Wordpress instance, where I have extra 'functionality' on the server in folders under the top level domain. But I could have hosted my main site on Wordpress.com and used subdomains to point to 'other' functionality hosted on other sites
- two sites with a front page hosted on a custom host, and the main content in blogger under a subdomain. This gives me flexibility to change the front page to whatever I want, but is a tad more hassle than it needs to be.
- several sites as 'anonymous' blogger sites, without a custom domain, just for building content.
I've seen businesses build their brand, and indeed host their entire websites on blogger.com, and on wordpress.com.
Essentially hosted blogging platforms that allow posts, and pages.
Use these tools to:
- build content
- refine your message
- create your products and packages
Do not start by paying people for gloss, when you have no content to glossify.
I had a quick look online for 'how to make a professional site/blog on blogger', and found a bunch of links for templates and information:
I had a quick look online for 'how to make a professional site/blog on blogger', and found a bunch of links for templates and information: